Interior Design Trends 2021
by Adwords on February 03, 2022
by Adwords on February 03, 2022
Feng Shui is all about making the most of our surroundings. Consider the example of a tree. The position of the tree is quite important.
The tree will thrive if it is located in an area that receives the most sunlight and has the finest conditions for receiving water and rain.
It will not grow well if it is placed in an area where it will not receive adequate light or support.
In the same way, our Feng Shui guide is just a method of looking at how you might position yourself and other objects in your bedroom design to attract more money and luck.
This will subconsciously provide a sense of safety, stability, and protection.
The worst location for a bedroom is close to the main door, but we must be realistic since there are instances when there isn't much of a choice.
If you don't have this choice, consider the other suggestions and make the most of the space you do have.
This will help to prevent energy stagnation in that specific corner. Choose pink and red if you want to boost your relationship with your lover—these colours will help your love life, and green to attract more money.
Remember that these colours should only be used as accents. Strong colours like red, orange, or yellow are associated with Yang and can be too stimulating for the bedroom design in Malaysia.
However, attempting to fix this problem by hiding things beneath the bed would just obstruct the energy and bring stagnation in your life.
Consider the stuff you keep in your master bedroom and eliminate everything linked to work and anything that has anything to do with former memories that should be forgotten, such as gifts from previous relationships.
I-SANTORINI CONDO - master bedroom
If you have such items, make sure to remove them because they tend to absorb a lot of energy and can distract you from getting some rest or having some romantic moments, which can fail to bring some luck your way.
A few books on the nightstand can help you achieve Zen, but if you have a bedroom full of bookcases that need to be read, they can also keep you from sleeping.
If you must have these elements in your master bedroom, the best option is to use a screen to conceal them while you sleep.
As you move the bed further away, try to avoid positioning it in a straight line with the door.
Place it away from a window since it lacks the symbolic safety of a solid wall and may create a restless night's sleep owing to the energy that travels in and out of the window.
Invest in a headboard since it provides fantastic head support.
This will mirror the energy in the entire room, preventing you from getting a good night's sleep and exacerbating all of your troubles and anxieties.
Mirrors in the bedroom design are regarded as an invitation for a third party to interfere in your relationship with your partner or life generally.
The only way to avoid this is to position ornamental things in front of such a mirror and cover them up before going to bed.
Use blinders that can be readily opened in the morning to let in natural light and quickly closed at night to keep out the darkness
Natural light is an excellent way to begin the day, not just because it exudes such great energy, but also because it increases serotonin levels, which can make your workday more productive.
Colours linked with riches include red, purple, and gold. However, because these hues are bold and deep, they should not be utilized in large quantities.
Use them as innovative accent pieces for your bedroom's soft colour palette instead. Lampshades, candles, and little trinkets are great objects to touch with these vibrant colours.
When the energy in your bedroom design is in sync with your inner energy, it produces a peaceful place that balances the many factors surrounding you, helping in the creation of favourable conditions for wealth and luck.