

  • Interior Design Budget

    RM 290,000

  • Duration

    12 Weeks

  • Status


  • Area

    1540sq ft

  • Type

    Terrace House

  • Style


  • Bedroom


  • Bathroom


Project Info

底楼以木质感地板及柜体搭配大理石纹路电视墙,桌面营造出气质沉稳,温暖的室内氛围,透过移除干厨房与客厅的原始墙,打造出更合理的动线,及更落落大方的空间。同时富有设计感的柜体也确保了收纳与美感的共存。 主人房带有轻奢风格,衣帽间以大片钢化玻璃与睡眠区隔开打造屋主梦寐以求的独立衣帽间,媲美名牌店的玻璃展示柜搭配木质感的开放衣柜,从而带出主人房的轻奢感觉。宽大的睡眠区搭配富有设计感的背景墙及灯光仿佛进入了豪华的酒店氛围,让人心旷神怡。 On the ground floor, SPC flooring and wood-textured cabinets are matched with marble feature wall and tabletop to creates a calm and warm interior atmosphere. By removing the existing wall of the dry kitchen and living room, a more reasonable space and a more elegant appearance are created. At the same time, the full of design cabinet also ensures the coexistence of storage and beauty. The master room has a light luxury style. The independent walk-in wardrobe is separated by tempered glass to create a walk-in wardrobe that the owner dreams of. Glass display cabinets and the open wooden wardrobe, thus bringing out the luxurious feeling of the master room. The spacious sleeping area with the feature wall and lighting seems to enter the luxurious hotel atmosphere, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

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